Local Rules
A. No Play Zones. From which full relief must be taken are identified by signs. Cultivated garden areas are no play zones from which play is prohibited. If a player's ball lies in such an area or if such an area Interferes with the player's stance, or area of his Intended swing, the player must take full relief under rule
B. Relief from Paths. Relief is given from all man-made paths under rule 16.1. A ball lying on bridges and pathways within a Penalty Area must be played as it lies, or relief taken under a penalty of one stroke rule
17. 'Blue stakes/markers on Holes 7, 10 and 16-mark public footpaths crossing the course. If your ball lands within the marked footpath areas delimited by the blue stakes/paint spots you have the option to take free relief under Rule 16.1 dropping your ball at the nearest point of complete relief no nearer the hole.
C. Protection of Trees. If a young or newly planted tree, identified by a stake or plastic collar, interferes with a player's stance or area of Intended swing, then full relief must be taken under rule 16.lb.
D. Wrong Greens. A ball lying on a wrong putting green MUST be lifted and relief taken in line with rule
E. Distance-Measuring Devices. The use of distance-measuring devices is allowed in accordance with rule
F. Out of Bounds. A ball is out of bounds when lying outside the ordinary boundaries of the course, In the Carpark, Courtyard or Gardens adjacent to the clubhouse. 1st hole- a ball lying on the road is in play and relief may be taken under rule 16.1. 18th hole- a ball is out of bounds when it is on or beyond the road or Car Park.
G. Priority on 1st Tee/18th Green & 6th Tee/7th Green. Players driving from the White / Yellow 1st Tee must be aware of players on the 18th Green and must not drive off until it is safe to do so. Players on the 6th Tee must give priority to players on the 7th Green and must not drive off unless invited to do so.
H. Provisional Ball in Penalty Area. Holes 1, 3, 8, 17 and 18. If there is doubt whether a ball is in, or is lost in, the Penalty Area the player may play another ball provisionally under any of the applicable options in Rule 17.1, or drop in the Drop Zone provided on Hole 3.
a. If the original ball is found outside the Penalty Area, the player must continue to play with it.
b. If the original ball is found in the Penalty Area the player may either play the original ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally under Rule 17.1.
c. If the original ball is not found or identified within the three-minute search period, the player must continue with the ball played provisionally.
I. 3rd Hole Penalty Area.
1. If your ball goes over the Yellow Penalty Area between the two large Red diamond marker posts and then goes left or right into the red staked areas you can drop your ball in the prescribed manner two club lengths from the point of entry as it is a lateral Penalty Area with one penalty shot. Rule 17.1d
2. If your ball goes over the Yellow Penalty Area but then enters either the Red Penalty Area to the left of the left hand large Red Diamond marker post; or, to the right of the right hand large Red Diamond marker posts, then you are to drop in the dropping zone in the prescribed manner with one penalty shot or take stroke and distance relief with one penalty shot. Rule 17.1d
3. If your ball enters the Yellow Penalty Area in between the two large Red Diamond marker posts, then you proceed as per a ball in a Penalty Area, i.e. drop in the dropping zone in the prescribed manner with one penalty shot or take stroke and distance relief with one penalty shot. Rule 17.1d
4. If your ball enters the Yellow Penalty Area in between the two large Red Diamond marker posts and there is doubt whether a ball is in or lost in the Penalty Area the player should proceed as described in rule (H) above.
Match play -- Loss of hole; Stroke Play - Two strokes.
Public Footpaths - Pedestrians using the public footpaths crossing the course have right of way. Players must accord them priority and take all reasonable measures to avoid danger to members of the public on the course.
These Local Rules are not comprehensive, and golfers are advised to check the notice boards and the Club V1 Members Hub app and HGGC Website for additions and alterations.